Resolve IP address problems


You get “There is an IP address strife with another framework on the network.” or “The static IP address that was simply designed is as of now being used on the network. If you don’t mind reconfigure an alternate IP address” or comparative message when attempting to unite with network.

Issue portrayal:

At the point when PC unites with the system it tries to get an IP address for itself. On the off chance that PC is using element IP address distribution (DHCP convention) then router will give another IP address to it. In any case, if static IP address is characterized in network settings for that PC then IP address strife could happen.


Check on if you are using static IP address

Go to Control Panel – > Network and Sharing Center
Click on Change Adapter Settings
You will see a window with connections that you have on your PC. Select the one you are currently using (either Ethernet or Wi-fi). Snap right mouse button on it and select properties. In a dialog called ” properties” select “Web Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” in a rundown box named “This connection uses the accompanying things:”.

Subsequently you will see a dialog named “Web Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) properties”. If “Get IP address consequently” is chosen then it implies that your PC doesn’t use static IP address and tries to get IP address from network by itself.
On the off chance that “Using the accompanying IP address” is chosen then check what is indicated in “IP address” field. IP address there is static address appointed to your computer. Furthermore, if this IP address clashes with any address on the network you will get a slip message depicted previously.
To determine struggle verify that all static IP addresses on the network are distinctive and don’t strife with one another.

Restore IP address for the PC.

In cmd.exe propelled under Administrative benefits keep running after orders.
This will drive your PC to ask for new IP address from the network.
In the event that none of the routines above work then it bodes well to supplant router/modem to check whether issue is equipment related.